uploads/last supper.jpg

last supper 【宗教】(耶穌被害前夕和十二門徒共進的)最后晚餐。

last word

I responded , “ the designer leads a simple life and she shares her money with the poor . besides , it is very important that this kind of beauty is in the world because it was created by the designer s deepest yearning to touch people s souls . the last supper , by leonardo da vinci has been pleasing generations and who thinks of a price while hearing johann sebastian bach s cantatas ? 她認為基督徒是守貧且幫助窮人的,我回答:這位藝術家本身生活簡樸,她將財物分贈窮人而且這種發自藝術家內心深處想要觸動人們的靈性而創造出來的美的藝術品,對這個世界極為重要像達文西的最后的晚餐世世代代皆能激發人心聽到巴哈的圣樂時,帶給世人難以估量的貢獻。

While the last supper is a typical subject chosen for the decoration of many refectories because of the eucharistic theme of sacrifice , leonardo chose to capture the moment in which jesus announces to the apostles that he knows one of them will betray him 因為圣體犧牲的主題,最后的晚餐成為許多食堂裝飾中的典型題材,達文西選擇捕捉當耶穌向門徒們宣布他知道他們之中有人會背叛他時的瞬間。

Woven throughout the narrative are a series of lectures by langdon and teabing on the identity of the holy grail , the importance of leonardo da vinci and the last supper , and the “ truth ” about jesus and the catholic church 交雜編織在敘述當中的是一連串連登和提兵的論述圣杯的?定、達文西最后的晚餐、以及對耶穌及基督教會的真相。

Secondly , the last supper ' s initial appearances as christian iconography illustrated two main ideas handed down in the gospel texts : reference to the betrayal of jesus christ and the counter - motif to the betrayal 其次,最后的晚餐最初作為基督教的圖解是為了傳達兩個新約圣經中主要的思想:對耶穌的背叛和背叛的主題。

In earlier paintings of the last supper , judas had been shown to the side of the table as he was fed the bread dipped in wine by jesus christ in an effort to display him as shunned 在早先最后的晚餐畫作中,猶大總是位于餐桌的一角,被耶穌基督喂以沾滿葡萄酒的面包,表現出他?避的動作。

In 1495 , leonardo da vinci began painting the last supper on the wall of the refectory ( dining hall ) of santa maria delle grazie in milan , italy , and completed it in 1498 李奧納多達文西于西元1495年在義大利米蘭葛拉吉埃修道院的食堂墻上開始繪畫最后的晚餐,而完成于西元1498年。

His other great work “ the last supper , ” done for the dining room of the monks who attended the church of santa maria della grazie , was ruined by his own experimental technique 另一幅巨作是為圣?瑪麗亞?德拉?格拉齊耶教堂的僧侶飯廳所作的《最后的晚餐》 ,毀于他自己的實驗性工藝。

“ last supper “ was a fresco made by da vinci , for the santa maria monastery dinning room in milan , which was based on the story about jesus to betrayed by his disciple “ judas “ 最后的晚餐>是達?芬奇為米蘭圣瑪麗亞修道院食堂而作的壁畫,取材于中耶穌被他的門徒猶大出賣的故事。

1519 leonardo do vinci , italian artist and man of science , noted for his painting of the mona lisa and the last supper , died at the chateau cloux near amboise 以名畫《蒙娜?麗莎》和《最后的晚餐》而著稱的意大利藝術家和科學家雷奧納爾多?達?芬奇逝世于安布瓦斯附近的克盧克城堡。

It was as mediator , in the night of the last supper , that he gave his disciples the great promise of a new covenant the gift of the holy ghost as prophesied by ezekiel 就如中保,在最后的晚餐里他賜給門徒立新約的偉大應許,也要給他們以西結所預言圣靈的恩賜。

The duke wanted to give visible expression to his position in both impressive buildings like the grand church and grandiose paintings like the last supper 公爵想要利用宏偉的建筑物或感人的畫作讓世人見證他的地位,例如這座教堂和最后的晚餐。

Steinfeld , edward s . “ free lunch or last supper : china ' s debt - equity swaps in context . “ the china business review , ( july - august 2000 ) : 22 - 27 免費的午餐或是最后晚餐:中國債轉股的來龍去脈,中國商業評論, 2000年7 . 8月,頁22 - 27

More than wood panel used in frescoes , the brick wall of the last supper has been subject to changes in temperature , humidity , and moisture 最后的晚餐所處的磚墻比傳統壁畫法所用的木板更容易受到溫度、濕度和水氣的影響。

The number 13 , in the christian faith , is the number of parties at the last supper , with the 13th guest at the table being the traitor , judas 據傳說,亞當和夏娃在星期五這一天偷吃了禁果蘋果,后來又在星期五這一天去世。

This was developed by giotto from medieval models , and also used by duccio and sassetta in their paintings of the last supper 這是由中世紀吉爾圖所發展出來的,杜吉歐和賽西塔在畫最后的晚餐時也沿用了此種排列方式。

Avoid “ preparing for the last supper . “ don ' t skip meals and starve in attempt to make up for what you recently ate or are about to eat 不要錯過忽略任何一餐,不要用饑餓的嚴格禁食來彌補你最近吃過多的東西。

Three fortune losers with their own sorrowful stories now come together in their black sheep gathering in “ last supper “ 三個窮途末路的陌路人走在一起,互相扶持,可以扭轉乾坤,改寫他們各自的命運嗎?

Some traditions say that it was the same upper room in which jesus had his last supper with them 就在那時候, ?的使徒們統統躲在樓房里有的傳統說:那樓房就是耶穌與他們吃最后晚餐的地方。

Leonardo ' s method of working on the last supper was unprecedented 達文西畫制最后的晚餐的方法可以說是空前絕后,它并不是用壁畫法完成的。